Sunday, March 11, 2007
  Christie & Israel's Engagement Session
  Here are some of Christie & Israel's engagement photographs taken on the University of Redlands campus. They were a super cute couple!

Having never been to the University of Redlands, it was fun to see what we could do with the location. :)

posted by Zenia at 9:45 AM - 1 comments

  • At March 12, 2007 at 3:51 PM, Blogger Christie said…

    Zenia, Thank you for the beautiful photos that you took of Israel and I. We had a great time and we will never forget it for the rest of our lives. This was one step closer to the big day! You are wonderful and very talented. I appreciate you taking the long drive to Redlands. You are definately creative in your art and you have an eye for beauty.
    Thank you!

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