Thursday, March 8, 2007
  I didn't always know I loved taking photographs. After I graduated from UCLA in 2001, I really wanted to challenge myself creatively. I was tired of the computer programming, the calculus, and the memorizing of facts. I picked up a point and shoot camera from Fry's Electronics and shot telephone poles, street lamps, flowers, and swans.

Realizing the limitations of the point and shoot, I returned the camera and bought a 3.0 megapixel camera that had more sophisticated functions - but a point and shoot nonetheless.

I had this camera for two years or so - and I read everything I could read on photography and carried my camera everywhere.

In May 2004, shortly after I met my husband, we took a road trip through Yosemite National Park and I fell in love with it. I had never seen such landscape and I was frustrated from my camera's shortcomings. When we got back from our trip, I purchased my first digital SLR.

From there, the creative possibilities opened up to me. When I see a scene that inspires me, I feel like I completely light up.

I come from a long line of artists. I did not know it until I got into photography, but my grandfather was an amateur photographer. After he died, I inherited several of his cameras and light meters. I keep his cameras stored away but I think about him from time to time and I think he would be proud.
posted by Zenia at 10:59 AM - 0 comments

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